Terms of use

Disclaimer – Terms of use

the activity of 41isole.it, while taking the utmost care in the display of content, does not constitute advice, declination or support of generic economic activities, of any nature or kind. This is a pure intellectual product rendered for the attention of the public only. Under no circumstances may the information contained in the published material be interpreted as an offer, recommendation, invitation to offer or promotional message aimed at the purchase, sale or subscription of products for economic purposes.

Therefore, the site disclaims any responsibility for any choices made by the user after reading the posts, articles or in general the contents of this website, since all information provided on 41isole.it is of a general and generic kind, tourist, literary, historical, geographical, ethnological, philosophical, scientific nature, all for the sole purpose of dissemination.

This blog does not represent a newspaper as it is updated without any periodicity. Therefore, it cannot be considered an editorial product within the meaning of Law No. 62-07/03/2021. The author of the blog is not responsible for the content of the comments to the posts, nor for the content of any sites connected through links.

While taking the utmost care in the maintenance of the site and considering its contents reliable, nevertheless 41isole.it assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and newness of the data and information on the site or on any sites connected to it and accessible through links, if any. Accordingly, no liability is accepted for errors or omissions beyond its control. All official documents are available from the data controller.

Although 41isole.it adopts appropriate measures aimed at excluding the presence of computer viruses in the files accessible through the site, we still recommend the use of an efficient and updated antivirus program, before opening and using them.


All the material published or otherwise present on the site – including trademarks, logos, domain names, images, videos, releases, articles and documents in general reproduced therein, as well as the application software, codes and script formats used to implement the site – is the property of 41isole.it, with the exclusion of those materials taken from public sources or free citation for which please refer to the credits page of 41isole.it.

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All content published on the site, unless otherwise specified, is intended to be copyrighted. This means that they may not be published, rewritten, marketed or distributed to third parties without prior written permission granted by 41isole.it.

General disclaiming

The contents of 41isole.it are predominantly narratives and descriptions of places, situations, facts and events that are real and can be acquired by anyone, in a view of traveling and attendance at tourist or otherwise recreational destinations. That is, in some parts, artistic creation of the author(s). Where historical-literary-geographical quotations are not expressly cited or quoted, they may casually refer to proprietary contexts and, with the exclusion of these rare cases, all quotations are quoted in quotation marks.  Any reference to existing persons or actual events is purely coincidental. If the above does not apply to the entirety of this website, beyond the intentions of the author(s), it is hereby declared to be the result of unintentional errors of thoroughness, transcription, mistyping as well as pure editorial accident.